AIRCRAFT (Armed, Fixed Wing)
Korea Aerospace Industries TA-50 'Golden Eagle' RoKAF designation (PAF LIFT version) FA-50PH Type: Advanced jet trainer/ Light attack aircraft Origin: South Korea Design Features: Mid-mounted, variable camber wings, swept back on leading-edges only; leading edge root extensions (LERX); all moving tailplane; sweptback fin leading edge. Single turbofan engine, with twin side-mounted intakes. KAI developing fuselage and tail unit. Avionics include HUD and color MFDs. Designed for service life of more than 10,000 hours (8,344 hours for TA-50). Flying Controls: Digital fly-by-wire control of flaperons, leading edge flaps, tailplane and rudder. Parker and Moog hydraulic actuators. Leading-edge maneuvering flaps; split airbrake at rear of fuselage, between exhaust nozzle and tailplane halves. Structure: Conventional aluminum alloy except for GFRP nose radome and some fairings. Lockheed Martin avionics integration and wings for prototypes; KAI fuselage, tail unit, production wings and final assembly at Sachon. Landing Gear: Messier-Dowty hydraulically retractable tricycle type, with single wheel and oleo-pneumatic shock absorbers on each unit. Mainwheels retract into engine intake tanks, steerable nosewheel forward. Runway emergency arrester hook. Powerplant: One General Electric 53.07 kN (11,925 lb) (78.7 kN (17,700 lb) st, with afterburning) F404-GE-102 turbofan. Equipped with Full Authority Digital Engine Control (FADEC). Seven internal fuel tanks, 2,655 liter (701 US gal) capacity. Provision for up to three 568 liter (150 US Gallon; 125 Imp Gal) drop fuel tanks on centerline and/ or inboard underwing stations. Accomodations: Crew of two in tandem; stepped cockpits; Martin-Baker ejection seats. Rear- hinged, upward-opening single canopy; one-piece wraparound windscreen. Systems: Dual-redundant, independent hydraulic system (A and B), each at 214 bar (3,100 psi) pressure and with flow rate of 187 liters (49.4 US gallons; 22 Imp gallons)/ min flow rate. Honeywell emergency power system (EPS) operates System A emergency back-up and 1 kVA emergency generator throughout flight envelope. Hamilton Sundstrand APU provides self-contained engine starting capability on ground and up to 6,100 m (20,000 ft). Digitally controlled Hamilton Sundstrand environmental control system for avionics cooling capacity 5.6 kW. Litton self-generating oxygen life support system. Avionics: Comms: UHF/VHF radio; IFF Radar: [original] Lockheed Martin AN/APG-67(V)4; [uprated] IAI/ LIG Nex1 (EL/M-2032) pulse-Doppler radar Flight: Triple redundant digital fly-by-wire flight controls with HOTAS; nav/attack system for fighter lead-in training; embedded GPS ring laser gyro INS Tacan; radar altimeter. Instrumentation: BAE Systems HUD; two 127x127 mm (5x5 in) color MFDs; Honeywell instrumentation displays (eight 76 mm (3 in) displays, including HSI, attitude indicator, Honeywell H-764G embedded global positioning/inertial navigation system and HG9550 radar altimeter and Mach speed indicator). NEOS avionics operating system Self defense: Provision for EW pods, chaff/flare dispensers and RWR. Dimensions, External Wing span, incl wingtip launcher: 9.45 m (31' 0") Wing span, excl wingtip launcher: 9.11 m (29' 10 3/4") Wing chord: Wing aspect ratio: Length, overall: 13.14 m (43' 1 ¼") Fuselage max width: Fuselage max depth: Height, overall: 4.94 m (16' 2 ½") Tailplane span: m (' ") Elevator span: Wheel track: Wheel base: Dimensions, Internal Cabin, length: Cabin, max width: Cabin, height: Cabin volume: Areas Wings, gross: m² ( ft²) Ailerons, total including tabs: Trailing edge flaps, total: Fin: Dorsal Fin: Rudder: Tailplane: Elevator: Weights and loadings Basic empty weight: 6,350 kg (14,000 lb) Weight, empty, equipped: kg ( lb) Max external stores: 4,309 kg (9,500 lb) Fuel: Typical mission weights: Max T-O weight: [clean] 9,339 kg (20,589 lb); [with external stores] 13,471 kg (29,700 lb) Max wing loading: Max power loading: Performance (Design) Max level speed: Mach 1.5 Cruising speed: kph ( mph) Stalling speed: Max rate of climb at S/L: 12,070 m/min (39,600 ft/min) Time to climb: Operational ceiling: 12,200 m (40,000') Service ceiling: 14,780 m (48,500') T-O run at S/L: T-O run at normal weight: m (') Landing run at S/L: Landing run at normal weight: m (') Operational radius: Combat radius, with max weapons load, no loiter: km ( nm; mi) Max range: 2,592 kms (1,400 nm; 1,611 mi) g Limits: +8/-3 Endurance, loiter time: hrs min Endurance, with full ordnance load: hrs, kms ( nm; mi) Weapon systems: Internal General Dynamics M61 20 mm three-barrel Gatling-type cannon with 205 rds (port LERX). Seven external stations (one on centerline, two under each wing and AAA rail at each wingtip) for AAMs, ASMs, rocket pods, bombs, munition dispensers, practice bombs or equipment, and training targets. Includes AIM-9 Sidewinder and TGM-65 Maverick training missiles, CBU-58 and Mk 20 cluster munitions, ACMI (Air Combat Maneuvering Instrumentation) pod, BDU-33 practice bombs and SUU-20 dispenser equipment, AGTS and TIX-3 training targets and Mk 82/83/84 series 500/1,000/2,000 lb bombs. AFP weapon systems: AIM-9 Sidewinder, FFAR, Gunpods Program: 12 FA-50 variant $420 M Contract signed 28 March 2014, first delivery late 2015. 4 units have BVR capabilities. Back to top Aermacchi/SIAI-Marchetti SpA S.211 Type: Two-seat Light attack aircraft and basic trainer Origin: Italy Similar aircraft: BAe 200 Hawk, Ajeet Wings: Cantilever shoulder wing monoplane, with super critical section developed by computer with the assistance of the US universities of New York and Kansas. Thickness/chord ratio 15% at root, 13% at tip. Incidence 2° 13' at root, -1° 17' at tip. Anhedral 2° from roots. Sweepback 15° 30' at quarter-chord. Two-spar metal torsion box structure, forming integral fuel tank; attached to fuselage by four bolts. Upper and lower skins each formed by two one-piece panels joined along centerline and to the spars. Hydraulically actuated ailerons, with electric trim, and large area electrically actuated Fowler flaps, on trailing edges. Fuselage: Conventional metal and glassfiber semi-monocoque structure. The airframe design makes wide use of structural bonding and composite materials, including Kevlar, Nomex and carbon fiber composites. Hydraulically actuated airbrake under center fuselage. Equipment bay in nose. Large quick-disconnect panel in rear, for rapid engine access or removal. Tail unit: Cantilever metal structure. Sweptback fin; horn balanced rudder with electrically operated trim tab; electrically actuated variable incidence tailplane has sweptback leading-edge. Horn balanced elevators, with servo tab. Landing gear: Hydraulically retractable tricycle type, of Messier-Hispano-Bugatti/ Magnaghi design. Oleo-pneumatic shock absorber in each unit. All units retract forward into fuselage (main units turning 90° to lie flat in undersides of engine air intake trunks). Nosewheel steerable 18° left and right. Mainwheels size 6.50-8; nosewheel size 5.00-5 with water deflecting tire. Designed for a sink rate of 4 m/sec (13 ft/sec). Wheel brakes actuated hydraulically, independently of main hydraulic system. Provision for emergency free-fall extension. Accommodation: Seats for two in tandem in pressurized and air-conditioned cockpit under one-piece framed canopy opening sideways to starboard; pupil in front, instructor on rear seat elevated 28 cm (11"). Internal transparent screen between seats. Martin-baker Mk.10 lightweight zero speed/zero altitude ejection seats for both occupants. The seat is fitted with an emergency oxygen bottle. The high-pressure gaseous oxygen system has five hour endurance. Powerplant: One 11.7 kN (2,500 lb static) Pratt & Whitney Canada JT-15D-4D non-afterburning turbofan, with electronic fuel control, mounted in rear of fuselage; lateral intake each side of the fuselage, with splitter plate. Fuel in 650 liter (171.7 US gallon; 143 Imp gallon) integral wing tank and 150 liter (39.6 US gallon; 33 Imp gallon) fuselage tank; total capacity 800 liters (211 US gallon; 176 Imp gallon). Single gravity refueling point in top surface of starboard wing. Electric fuel pump for engine starting and emergency use. Fuel and oil systems permit inverted flight. Provision for two 270 liter (71.7 US gallon; 59.4 Imp gallon) drop tank on inboard underwing stores points. Oil capacity 10 kg (22 lb). Systems: Environmental control system for cockpit pressurization and air-conditioning, using engine bleed air for heating, non-ozone depleting freon vapor for cooling. Maximum pressure differential 0.24 bars (3.5 psi). Hydraulic system, pressure 207 bars (3,000 psi), for actuation of airbrake, landing gear, freon compressor and aileron boost, and independent actuation of wheel brakes. Primary electrical system is 28V DC, using an engine driven starter/generator; nickel-cadmium battery; two static inverters supply AC power for instruments and avionics. External power receptacle in port side of lower fuselage aft of wing. Demand type main oxygen system, at 124 bars (1,80 psi) pressure, sufficient to supply both occupants for 4 hours, plus bottles for emergency fuel supply. Avionics and equipment: Standard avionics fit includes two V/UHF command nav suite, ADF, VOR/ILS and DME or TACAN, IFF or ATC, ICS, AHRS, HSI and AI with full dual controls and handover. Provision for dual gyro stabilized gunsight system with miniaturized video recording or film camera. Additional provisions for R/Nav, radar altimeter, Doppler radar, Head-Up Display with weapons aiming computer (HUDWAC), radar warning system and ECM. Dimensions, External Wing span: 8.43 m (27' 8") Wing chord at root: 2.151 m (7' 0 ¾") Wing chord at tip: 1.00 m (3' 3 ¼") Wing chord, mean aerodynamic: 1.646 m (5' 4 ¾") Wing aspect ratio: 5.1 Length, overall: 9.31 m (30' 6 ½") Fuselage max width: Fuselage max depth: Height, overall: 3.80 m (12' 5 ½") Elevator span: Tailplane span: 3.96 m (13' 0") Wheel track: 2.29 m (7' 6") Wheel base: 4.02 m (13' 2 ¼") Dimensions, Internal Cabin, length: Cabin, max width: Cabin, height: Cabin volume: Areas Wings, gross: 12.60 m² (135.63 ft²) Airbrake: 0.42 m² (4.52 ft²) Vertical tail surfaces, total: 2.01 m² (21.64 ft²) Horizontal tail surfaces, total: 3.378 m² (36.36 ft²) Weights and loadings Basic empty weight: Weight, empty, equipped: 1,850 kg (4,078 lb) Max usable fuel, internal: 622 kg (1,371 lb) Max usable fuel, external: 390 kg (860 lb) Typical mission weights: Max T-O weight: [Trainer, clean] 2,750 kg (6,063 lb); [Armed] 3,150 kg (6,944 lb) Max wing loading: Max power loading: Performance (at T-O weight of 2,500 kg (5,511 lb) except where indicated) Never exceed speed: Mach 0.80 (740 kph; 400 knts; 460 mph EAS) Max cruising speed at 7,620 m (25,000'): 667 kph (360 knts; 414 mph) Rotation speed: 167 kph (90 knts; 104 mph) Stalling speed, flaps down: 138 kph (74 knts; 86 mph) Max rate of climb at S/L: 1,280 m/min (4,200 ft/min) Time to climb to 6,100 m 20,000'): 6 min 12 s Service ceiling: 12,200 m (40,000') T-O run at S/L, ISA: 390 m (1,280') T-O run to 15 m (50'): 512 m (1,680') Landing run at S/L, ISA: 361 m (1,185') Landing run to 15 m (50'): 705 m (2,313') Min air turning radius at S/L: less than 305 m (1,000') Typical attack radius with four rocket launchers, AUW of 3,150 kg (6,944 lb): [hi-lo-hi, out and back at 491 kph (265 knts; 305 mph) at 9,150 m (30,000'), 2 hrs 59 min mission (incl 5 min over target), 60 kg (132 lb) of fuel remaining] 556 km (300 nm; 345 mi); [lo-lo-lo, out and back at 491kph (250 knts; 288 mph) at less than 305 m (1,000'), 1 hr 5 min mission (incl 5 min over target), 60 kg (132 lb) of fuel remaining] 231 km (125 nm; 144 mi) Max range on internal fuel, 30 min reserves: 1,668 km (900 nm; 1,036 mi) Ferry range: [AUW of 3,150 kg (6,944 lb), max internal and external fuel at 500 kph (270 knts; 311 mph) at 9,150 m (30,000'), 90 kg (198 lb) of fuel remaining] 2,483 km (1,340 nm; 1,542 mi) g Limits: [Clean] +6/-3; [With external stores] +5/-2.5 Sustained g limit at 4,575 m (15,000'): 3.4 Endurance, 30 min reserves: 3 hrs 50 min Weapon systems: Four under wing hardpoints, stressed for loads of up to 330 kg (727.5 lb) inboard, 165 kg (364 lb) outboard; maximum external load 660 kg (1,455 lb). Typical loads can include four single or twin-gun 7.62 mm machine-gun pods, four 12.7 mm gun pods, or (inboard only) two 20 mm gun pods; four AL-18-50 (18 x 50 mm), Matra F2 (6 x 68 mm), LAU-32 (7 x 2.75"), or AL-6-80 (6 x 81 mm) rocket launchers, or (inboard only) two Matra 155 (18 x 68 mm) rocket launchers, SNORA RWK-020 (12 x 81 mm) or 100 mm rocket launchers; four bombs or practice bombs of up to 150 kg size, or (inboard only) two bombs or napalm containers of up to 300 kg; four 74 mm cartridge throwers; or (inboard only) two photo-reconnaissance pods each with four cameras and infra-red linescan; or (inboard only) two 270 liter (71.3 US gallon; 59.4 Imp gallon) auxiliary fuel tanks. Ferranti ISIS D-211 optical weapon aiming system optional. AFP weapon systems: Two 12.7 mm or 7.62 mm machine-gun pods and two 7 x 70 mm rocket launchers on four hardpoints; or one 12.7 mm machine-gun underfuselage and two 270 liter (71.7 US gallon; 59.4 Imp gallon) drop tanks. Program: Twenty-five units delivered between 1989-1994 including 15 assembled by PADC, and one partially completed airframe as a spare. Utilized as jet trainers with the 105th Training Squadron and interim attack aircraft by the 7th Tactical fighter Squadron. Project Falcon introduced enhancements to the AS.211 aircraft that included the completion of installation of the hardpoints for the Aerotech-developed 12.7 mm HMG underfuselage gunpod and the upgrade of sight system by installing Norsight Optical Sight taken from retired F-5 aircrafts, repainting with a low-visibility, two-tone grey paint scheme and installation of the AN/ARC-34 UHF radios from retired F-5s for better air-to-ground communications duting strike operations.. There are further plans of installing HVAR and are in secondary testing stages. Also, GPS level bombing is also being conducted to provide precision bomb deliveries. A total of five AS.211 have been reportedly completed tests. Three units operational, thirteen units stored as of May 2011. Back to top North American/Rockwell International Corp./Boeing OV-10 A/B/C 'Bronco' Type: Two-seat, COIN/FAC/Surveillance, turboprop aircraft Origin: USA Wings: Cantilever high-wing monoplane. Fuselage: Tail unit: Twin boom type Landing gear: Retractable tricycle type. Trailing arm articulating with two-stage air-oil telescoping shock absorbing struts. Accommodation: Seats for two in tandem, one pilot and one weapons officer/observer, on two LW-3B zero speed/zero altitude ejection seats for both occupants. Rear seat is removable for greater fuselage cargo capacity. Powerplant: Two modified 715 shp Honeywell/Garett AiResearch T76-G-416/417 counter-rotating turboprop engines, driving a three-blade propeller with spinner, uprated to a four-blade Hartzell/Marsh Aviation aluminum alloy propeller with spinner, with improved gearboxes. Can use automotive or hi-octane fuel in place of Jet-A1 with a slight degradation of power. Five self-sealing fuel tanks in wing, 954 liter (252 gallon) capacity. Centerline 568, 871, or 1,136 liter (150, 230 or 300 gallon) external tank optionally available. Systems: Avionics and equipment: Dual manual flight controls. Standard avionics fit includes HF, VHF-AM/FM, UHF, ADF, VOR, TACAN, IFF. AN/AAS-37, FLIR/LRD/AVT. GPS was added on PAF units. The GPS units on PAF OV-10s are installed on the cockpit coaming together with a power receptacle to connect it to an on-board power source. Cockpit lighting is also NVG compatible. Dimensions, External Wing span: 12.5 m (40' 10") Wing chord: Wing aspect ratio: Length, overall: 12.6 m (41' 7") Fuselage max width: Fuselage max depth: Height, overall: 4.62 m (15' 2") Tailplane span: 4.45 m (14' 7") Elevator span: Wheel track: Wheel base: Propeller diameter: [uprated] 2.54 m (8' 37") Dimensions, Internal Cabin, length: Cabin, max width: Cabin, height: Cabin volume: Cargo compartment Length: Max width: Max height: Floor area: Volume: [with rear seat] 2.1 m³ (75 ft³); [rear seat removed] 3.1 m³ (110 ft³) Areas Wings, gross: 26.96 m² (290 ft²) Ailerons, total including tabs: Trailing edge flaps, total: Fin: Dorsal Fin: Rudder: Tailplane: Elevator: Weights and loadings Basic empty weight: 3,127 kg (6,893 lb) Weight, empty, equipped: 3,261 kg (7,190 lb) Fuel: Typical mission weights: Max T-O weight: [normal] 4,494 kg (9,908 lb); [overload weight] 6,552 kg (14,444 lb) Max wing loading: Max power loading: Performance Max speed at S/L without weapons: [A] 452 kph (244 knts; 281 mph); [B] B: 447 kph (241 knts; 278 mph); [C] 632 kph (341 knts; 393 mph) Cruising speed: 359 kph (223 mph) Stalling speed: Max rate of climb at S/L: 945 m/min (3,100 ft/min) Time to climb: Service ceiling: 7,315 m (24,000') T-O run at S/L: T-O run at normal weight: [A] 226 m (740') T-O run at 5,443 kg (12,000 lb): [B] 344 m (1,130'); [C] 168 m (550') Landing run at S/L: Landing run at normal weight: [A] 226 m (740') Landing run at overload weight: [A] 381 m (1,250') Operational radius: Combat radius, with max weapons load, no loiter: 367 km (198 nm; 228 mi) Range with max int fuel: 1,297 kms (700 nm; 806 mi) Ferry range, with 568 liter (150 gallon) aux fuel: 2,298 km (1,240 nm; 1,428 mi) g Limits: Endurance, loiter time with 568 liter (150 gallon) ext tank: 5 hrs 30 min Endurance, with full ordnance load: 2 hrs, 93 kms (50 nm; 58 mi) Weapon systems: Equipped with seven external stores. Four fixed sponson-mounted forward-firing 7.62 mm machine-guns with 2,000 rounds; four external weapon attachment points under short sponsons, for up to 1,000 kg (2,400 lb) of rockets, bombs, etc.; fifth point, capacity 540 kg (1,200 lb), under center fuselage, which also has the capability of carrying either a 20 mm gun pod or a 568, 871 or 1,136 liter (150, 230 or 300 gallon) external fuel tank. Provision for carrying one Sidewinder missile on each wing and, by use of a wing pylon kit, various stores, including rocket and flare pods and free-fall ordnance. Maximum weapons load 1,630 kg (3,600 lb). AFP weapon systems: Carries two 7 x 70 mm rocket launchers; or two 130 mm Zuni rocket launchers in sponsons; M-60 7.62 mm or 12.7 mm machine-guns or locally modified 20 mm guns are also mounted underfuselage; in addition it can also carry any of the following munitions: AFM-M3 81 mm CBU, 50 kg (110 lb), 118 kg (260 lb), Mk. 82 227 kg (500 lb) and 341 kg (750 lb) gravity bombs. Program: Built for FAC operations, now used in the COIN role. Twenty-four OV-10A/Bs were transferred between 1991-92. Another nine units transferred. Eight ex-RTAF OV-10Cs were transferred in two four aircraft batches between 2003-04. The Broncos are operated by the 16th Attack Squadron and 25th Composite Attack Squadron of the 15th Strike Wing, Sangley Point, Cavite. Under the OV-10 SLEP by Marsh Aviation and Aeromart Commercial & Industrial Corp., twelve engines were overhauled and fourteen propellers were uprated to four-blade Hartzell/Marsh propellers in three batches, all completed by September 2006. Back to top Aermacchi/SIAI-Marchetti SpA SF.260 M/W/TP/F Type: Two/three seat fully aerobatic military light aircraft Origin: Italy Similar aircraft: Guepard, Aviamilano F.250 Wings: Cantilever low-wing monoplane. Wing section NACA 64-212 (modified) at root. NACA 64-210 (modified) at tip. Dihedral 6° 20' from roots. Incidence 2° 45' at root. 0° at tip. No sweepback. All metal light alloy safe-life structure, with single main spar and auxiliary rear spar, built into two portions bolted together at the centerline and attached to the fuselage by six bolts. Press-formed ribs. with dimpled stiffening holes. Skin, which is butt joined and flush riveted, stiffened by stringers between main and rear spars. Differentially operating Frise light alloy mass balanced ailerons, and electrically actuated light alloy single-slotted flaps. Flaps operated by torque tube and mechanical linkage, ailerons by pushrod and cables. Servo tab in each aileron. Fuselage: Semi-monocoque safe-life structure of frames, stringers and flush riveted skin, exclusively of light alloy except for welded steel tube engine mounting, glassfiber front panel of engine cowling, stainless steel firewall and detachable glassfiber tailcone. Tail unit: Cantilever light alloy safe-life structure, with swept-back vertical surfaces, fixed incidence tailplane and one-piece elevator. Two-spar fin and one-piece tailplane, bolted to fuselage; single-spar elevator, statically and aerodynamically balanced, and balanced rudder. Rudder and elevator operated by cables. Controllable trim tab in starboard half of the elevator, ground adjustable tab on rudder. Provision of an inset rudder trim tab in TP models only. Landing gear: Electrically retractable tricycle type, with manual emergency actuation. Inward retracting main gear, of trailing arm type, and rearward retracting nose unit, each embodying Magnaghi oleo-pneumatic shock absorber (type 2/22028 in main units). Each welded steel tube main leg is hinged to the main and rear spars. Nose unit is of leg and fork type, with coaxial shock absorber and torque strut. Cleveland P/N 3080A mainwheels, with size 6.00-6 tube and tire (6-ply rating), pressure 2.45 bars (35.5 psi). Cleveland P/N 40-77A nosewheel, with size 5.00-5 tube and tire (6-ply rating), pressure 1.96 bars (28.4 psi). Cleveland P/N 3000-500 independent hydraulic single-disc brake and parking brake on each main wheel. Nosewheel steering (20° to the left or right) is operated directly by the rudder pedals, to which it is linked by pushrods. Up-lock secures main gear in retracted position during flight; anti-retraction system prevents main gear from retracting whenever strut is compressed by weight of aircraft. Accommodation: Side by side front seats (for instructor and pupil in SF.260M), with third centrally at rear. Front seats individually adjustable fore and aft, with forward folding backs and provision for back type parachute packs. Dual control standard. All three seats equipped with lap belts and shoulder harnesses. Baggage compartment aft of rear seat. Upper portion of the canopy release handle for each front seat occupant. Steel tube windscreen frame for protection in the event of overturn. Powerplant: [M/W] One 260 hp (194 kW) Avco Lycoming O-540-E4A5 flat-six engine driving a Hartzell HC-C2YK-1BF/8477-8R two-blade constant speed metal propeller with spinner. AEIO-540-D4A5 engine available optionally. Fuel in two light alloy tanks in wings, capacity of each 49.5 liters (13.1 US gallons; 10.9 Imp gallons); and two permanent wing tip tanks, capacity of each 72 liters (19 US gallons; 15.85 Imp gallons). Total internal fuel capacity 243 liters (64.2 US gallons; 53.5 Imp gallons), of which 235 liters (62.1 US gallons; 51.7 Imp gallons) are useable. Individual refueling point on top of each tank. In addition SF.260W may be fitted with two 80 liter (21.1 US gallon; 17.5 Imp gallon) auxiliary tanks on underwing pylons, oil capacity (all models) 11.4 liters (3.0 US gallons; 2.5 Imp gallon); [TP]: One Allison 250-B17D turboprop , flat rated at 350 shp (261 kW) and driving a Hartzell HC-B3TF-7A/T10173-23R three-bladed constant-speed fully-feathering and reversible pitch propeller with spinner. Fuel capacity as for the SF.260M/W; automatic fuel feed system. Oil capacity 7 liters (1.8 US gallons; 1.5 Imp gallons). Systems: Hydraulic equipment for mainwheel brakes only. No pneumatic system. 24V DC electrical system of single-conductor negative earth type, including 70A Prestolite engine mounted alternator/rectifier and 25V 24Ah Varley battery, for engine starting, flap and landing gear actuation, fuel booster pumps, electronics and lighting. Sealed battery compartment in rear of fuselage on port side. Connections of an external power source automatically disconnects the battery . Heating system for carburetor air intake. Emergency electrical system for extending the landing gear if normal electrical actuation fails; provision for mechanical extension in the event of total electrical failure. Cabin heating, and windscreen de-icing and demisting, by heat exchanger using engine exhaust air. Additional manually controlled warm air outlets for general cabin heating. Oxygen system optional. Avionics and equipment: Basic instrumentation and military equipment to customer's requirements. Blind-flying instrumentation and communications equipment optional; typical selection includes dual Collins 20BVHF com; Collins VIR-31A VHF nav; Collins ADF-60A; Collins TDR-90 ATC transponder; Collins PN-101 compass; ID-90-000 RMI; and Gemelli AG04-1 intercom. GPS-195 Tracker system installed on PAF planes. Landing light in nose. below spinner. Instrument panel can be slid rearward to provide access to rear of instruments. Dimensions, External Wing span over tip tanks: 8.35 m (24' 4 ¾") Wing chord, at root: 1.60 m (5' 3") Wing chord, mean aerodynamic: 1.325 m (4' 4 ¼") Wing chord, at tip: 0.784 m (2' 6 7/8") Wing aspect ratio (excl tip tanks): 6.3 Wing taper ratio: 2.2 Length, overall: [M/W] 7.10 m (23' 3 ½"); [TP] 7.40 m (24' 3 ¼") Fuselage max width: 1.10 m ( 3' 7 ¼") Fuselage max depth: 1.042 m (3' 5") Height, overall: 2.41 m (7' 11") Elevator span: 3.01 m (9' 10 ½") Wheel track: 2.274 m (7' 5 ½") Wheel base: 1.66 m (5' 5 ¼") Propeller diameter: 1.93 m (6' 4") Propeller ground clearance: 0.32 m (1' 0 ½") Dimensions, Internal Cabin, length: 1.66 m (5' 5 ¼") Cabin, max width: 1.00 m (3' 3 ¼") Cabin, height (seat cushion to canopy): 0.98 m (3' 2 ½") Cabin volume: 1.50 m³ (53 ft³) Baggage compartment volume: 0.18 m³ (6.36 ft³) Areas Wings, gross: 10.10 m² (108.70 ft²) Ailerons (total, incl tabs): 0.762 m² (8.20 ft²) Trailing edge flaps (total): 1.18 m² (12.70 ft²) Fin: 0.76 m² (8.18 ft²) Dorsal Fin: 0.16 m² (1.72 ft²) Rudder, including tab: 0.60 m² (6.46 ft²) Tailplane: 1.46 m² (15.70 ft²) Elevator, including tab: 0.96 m² (10.30 ft²) Weights and loadings Manufacturer's basic empty weight: [M] 755 kg (1,664 lb); [W] 770 kg (1,697 lb) Weight, empty, equipped: [M] 815 kg (1,797 lb); [W] 830 kg (1,830 lb); [TP] 750 kg (1,654 lb) Fuel: [in wing and wingtip tanks] 169 kg ( 372.5 lb); [W, underwing tanks only] 114 kg ( 251.5 lb) Typical mission weights: [M, trainer, clean] 1,140 kg (2,513 lb); [W, two 47 kg (103.5 lb) machine-gun pods and full internal fuel] 1,163 kg ( 2,564 lb); [W, trainer, with 94 kg (207 lb) external stores] 1,249 kg (2,753 lb); [W, with two 125 kg bombs and 150 kg (331 lb) internal fuel] 1,300 kg (2,866 lb); [W, with two AL-8-70 rocket launchers and 160 kg (353 lb) internal fuel] 1,300 kg (2,866 lb) Max T-O weight: [M, aerobatic] 1,100 kg (2,425 lb); [W, max permitted] 1,300 kg (2,866 lb) Max wing loading: [M] 119 kg/m² (24.4 psi); [W] 129 kg/m² (26.4 psi) Max power loading: [M] 6.19 kg/kW (10.17 lb/hp); [W] 6.70 kg/kW (11.01 lb/hp); [TP, trainer] 4.60 kg/kW (7.56 lb/shp); [TP, Warrior] 4.98 kg/kW (8.19 lb/shp) Performance [M at AUW of 1,200 kg (2,645 lb); W at 1,300 kg (2,866 lb), except where indicated]; [TP, at trainer Utility T-O weight of 1,200 kg (2,640) lb, ISA] Never exceed speed: [M] 436 kph (235 knts; 271 mph); [TP] 437 kph (236 knts; 271 mph) Max level speed at S/L: [M] 333 kph (180 knts; 207 mph); [W] 305 kph (165 knts; 190 mph) Max level speed at 3,050 m (10,000'): [TP] 422 kph (228 knts; 262 mph) Max cruising speed, 75% power, at 1,500 m (4,925'): [M] 300 kph (162 knts; 186 mph); [W] 281 kph (152 knts; 175 mph) Max cruising speed at 2,440 m (8,000'): [TP] 400 kph (216 knts; 248 mph) Econ cruising speed at 4,575 m (15,000'): [TP] 315 kph (170 knts; 195 mph) Stalling speed, flaps and landing gear up: [M] 137 kph (74 knts; 86 mph); [W] 163 kph (88 knots; 102 mph) Stalling speed, flaps and landing gear down: [M] 126 kph (68 knts; 79 mph); [W] 134 kph (72 knts; 83 mph) Stalling speed, at S/L, flaps down, power off: [TP] 126 kph (68 knts; 195 mph) Max rate of climb at S/L: [M] 457 m/min (1,500 ft/min); [W] 381 m/min (1,250 ft/min); [TP] 661 m/min (2,170 ft/min) Time to climb to 1,500 m (4,925'): [M] 4 min 0 s; [W] 6 min 20 s Time to climb to 2,300 m (7,550'): [M] 6 min 50 s; [W] 10 min 20 s Time to climb to 3,000 m (9,850'): [M] 10 min 0 s; [W] 18 min 40 s Service ceiling: [M] 4,665 m (15,300'); [W] 4,480 m (14,700'); [TP] 7,500 m (24,600') T-O run at S/L: [M] 384 m (1,260'); [TP] 298 m (978') T-O run to 15 m (50') at S/L: [M] 606 m (1,988'); [W] 825 m (2,707'); 467 m (1,532') Landing run from 15 m (50') at S/L: [M] 445 m (1,460'); [W] 645 m (2,116'); [TP] 533 m (1,749') Landing run, without reverse pitch: [TP] 307 m (1,007') Landing run at S/L: [M] 345 m (1,132') Operational radius: [W, 6 hrs 25 min single-seat armed patrol mission at 1,163 kg (2,564 lb) AUW, incl 5 hrs 35 min over operating area, 20 kg (44 lb) fuel reserves] 92 kms (50 nm; 57 mi); [W, 3 hrs 38 min single-seat strike mission, incl two 5 min loiters over separate en-route target areas, 20 kg (44 lb) fuel reserves] 463 km (250 nm; 287 mi); [W, 4 hrs 54 min single-seat strike mission, incl 5 min over target area, 20 kg (44 lb) fuel reserves] 556 kms (300 nm; 345 mi); [W, 4 hrs 30 min, single-seat photo-reconnaissance mission at 1,182 kg (2,605 lb) AUW, incl three 1 hr loiters over separate en-route operating areas, 20 kg (44 lb) fuel reserves] 278 kms (150 nm; 172 mi); [W, 6 hrs 3 min two-seat self ferry mission with two 80 liter (21.1 US gallon; 17.5 Imp gallon) underwing tanks, at 1,285 kg (2,833 lb) AUW, 30 kg (66 lb) fuel reserves] 1,716 kms (926 nm; 1,066 mi) Range with max fuel: [M, two-seat] 1,650 kms (926 nm; 1,025 mi) Range at 4,575 m (15,000') with max fuel, 30 min reserves: 949 kms (512 nm; 589 mi) g Limits: [M, at max aerobatic T-O weight] +6/-3; [M, at max Utility T-O weight without external load] +4.4/-2.2 Endurance: Weapon systems: [W] Two or four underwing hardpoints, able to carry external stores on NATO standard pylons up to a maximum 300 kg (661 lb) when flown as a single-seater. Typical alternative loads can include one or two SIAI gunpods, each with one or two 7.62 mm FN machine-guns and 500 rds; two Aerea AL-8-70 launchers each with eight 2.75" rockets; two LAU-32 launchers each with seven 2.75" rockets; two Aerea AL-18-50 launchers each with eighteen 2 in rockets; two Aerea AL-8-68 each with eight 68 mm rockets; two Aerea AL-6-80 launchers each with six 81 mm rockets; two LUU-2/B parachute flares; two SAMP EU 32 125 kg (275 lb) general purpose bombs or EU 13 120 kg (265 lb) fragmentation bombs; two SAMP EU 70 50 kg (110 lb) general purpose bombs; Mk. 76 11 kg (24 lb) practice bombs; two cartridge throwers for 70 mm multi-purpose cartridge, F 725 flares, or F130 smoke cartridges; one or two photo-reconnaissance pods with two 70 mm automatic cameras; two supply containers; or two 80 liter (21.1 US gallon; 17.5 Imp gallon) auxiliary fuel tanks. AFP weapon systems: Maximum payload of 227.3 kg (500 lb) on two underwing hardpoints. Two 12.7 mm or M-60 7.62 mm machine-gun pods and two 7 x 70 mm rocket launchers; 50 to 118 kg (110 to 260 lb) gravity bombs; LAU 68, LAU 131 rocket launchers; Mk. 24 Flare dispensers; B-37K practice bomb dispersers. Program: Thirty SF.260 MP trainers and sixteen SF.260 WP combat versions were acquired in between 1973-74, replacing the Beech T-34A Mentor with 100th Training Wing at Fernando AB. SF.260M are militarised versions with strengthened airframes and improved aerodynamics, while the W designation have two weapons hardpoints. An additional 18 SF.260TP (turboprop version) were delivered by 1993, including 16 assembled in the Philippines, replacing the M versions. Eighteen brand-new SF.260F (with new uprated fuel-injected engine) were delivered between 2010-11, all assembled by Aerotech Industries in the Philippines. Back to top ![]() |
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