'; ft: foot (3.28' = 1 m) "; in: inch (1" = 2.54 cm) A/S, ASW: Anti-submarine AA: Anti-aircraft; Air-to-air AAA: Anti-aircraft artillery AAM: Air-to-Air Missile AAR: Air-to-Air Refueling AAW: Anti-air Warfare AB: Airbase AC: Cargo ship; Aircraft ACM: Air combat maneuvers ACMI: Air Combat Maneuvring Instrumentation ACV: Armored Combat Vehicle AD: Air defense; Auxiliary repair ship (Navy) ADF: Automatic direction finding; Air Defense Force AEW: Airborne Early Warning AF: Auxiliary tender; Air Force AFP: Armed Forces of the Philippines AGL: Automatic grenade launcher AGM: Air-to-Ground Missile AHRS: Attitude and heading reference system AI: Air Interdiction AIM: Air Interception Missile AIP: Air independent propulsion AoA: Angle of Attack AP: Armor piercing APC: Armored personnel carrier API: Armor piercing incendiary Arty: Artillery ARV: Armored recovery vehicle ASDIC: Anti-Submarine Detection Information Center ASG: Abu Sayyaf Group ASM: Air-to-surface Missile AT: Auxiliary tanker ATC: Air traffic control ATK: Anti-tank aux: auxiliary BAI: Battlefield Air Interdiction BAe: British Aerospace BAE: BAE Systems (after merger of BAe-GEC) BDA: Battle/Bomb Damage Assessment Bde: Brigade BRP: Barko ng Republika ng Pilipinas (also RPS, Republic of the Philippines Ship) BTHP: Boat Tail Hollow Point BVR: Beyond visual range C2: Command and control C4I: Command, control, communication, computer and intelligence C4ISR: Command, control, communication, computer, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance Cal: Caliber - the diameter of a gun barrel; also used for measuring the length of the barrel eg. a 6 in gun 50 calibers long (6 in/50) would be 25 feet long. camo: Camouflage CAP: Combat Air Patrol CAS: Close air support CASF: CompositeAir Support Force CBU: Cluster bomb unit CIC: Combat Information Center CIWS: Close in weapon system cm: centimeter (2.54 cm = 1") Cmdr: Commander CO: Commanding Officer Co, coy: Company coax: coaxial COIN: Counter insurgency COMR: Civil Owned Military Registered cp: Controllable pitch (propellers) CPP-NDF: Communist Party of the Philippines-National Democratic Front CSAR: Combat Search And Rescue CTG: Composite Tactical Group CTOL: Conventional Take Off and Landing CTW: Composite Tactical Wing CUP: Capability Upgrade Program CY: Circular Year DACT: Dissimilar Air Combat Training DC: Depth charge DCA: Defensive Counter Air DCT: Depth charge thrower DDG: Guided missile destroyer DE: Destroyer escort Div: Division DND: Department of National Defense DP: Dual purpose (gun) for surface or AA use Displacement: Basically the weight of water displaced by a ship's hull when floating. a.) Light - without fuel, water and ammunition; b.) Standard - as defined by Washington Naval Conference 1922 - fully manned and stored but without fuel or reserve feed-water; c.) Full load - fully laden with all stores, ammunition, fuel and water. Drv: Driver dwt: deadweight tonnage excl: excluding ECM: Electronic counter-measures ECCM: Electronic counter-counter-measures ECR: Electronic Combat and Reconnaissance EEZ: Exclusive Economic Zone eg: for example ELINT: Electronic intelligence eg recording radar ESM: electronic support measures eg intercept EU: European Union EW: Electronic warfare EWS: Enclosed weapon system (turret) FA: Field artillery FAA: Federal Aviation Administration FAC: Fast attack craft (navy); Forward air control (Airforce) fby: fly by wire FFG: Guided missile frigate FIC: Floro International Corporation FPB: Fast patrol boat FFAR: Folding Fin aerial rocket FLIR: Forward looking infra-red FMC: Food Machineries Corporation FMS: Foreign Military Sales FOB: Forward Operating Base FOD: Foreign Object Damage FS: Fighter Squadron FSRR: First Scout Ranger Regiment FSV: Fire support vehicle ft/min; fpm: feet per minute Ftr: Fighter FY: Fiscal Year (US) GBU: Guided Bomb Unit GCI: Ground Controlled Intercept GE: General Electric GFCS: Gun fire control system GM: General Motors GmbH: Gewerbe-Anmeldung (German equivalent of Ltd) Gnr: Gunner GPS: Global Positioning system grt: gross registered tonnage GT: Geared turbine GWS: Guided weapon system HAS: Hardened Aircraft Shelter HAWK: Homing All the Way Killer (SAM) HE: high explosive HEAT: high explosive anti-tank HEAP: high explosive armor-piercing Hedgehog: Spigot mortar for firing A/S bombs Helo: Helicopters HESH: High explosive squash head HIGE: Hover in ground effect hi-res: high resolution HF: High frequency HMD: Helmet Mounted Display HMG: Heavy machine-gun HMS: Helmet Mounted Sight; Her Majesty's Ship HOGE: Hover over ground effect - Helicopter hovering far abovenearest surface. HOTAS: Hands On Throttle And Stick hp, Horsepower: Power developed or applied. a.) bhp - power available at the crankshaft; b. shp - power delivered to the propeller shaft; c.) ihp - indicated horsepower = power produced by expansion of gases in the cylinders of reciprocating steam engines; d.) 1 kW = 1.341 hp = 1.36 metric hp; 1 hp = 0.746 kW = 1.014 metric hp; 1 metric hp = .0735 kW = 0.968 hp. hrs: hours HSI: Horizontal situation indicator HQ: Head Quarters HUD: Head-Up Display HUDWAC: Head-Up Display with weapons aiming computer IAI: Israel Aircraft Industries IAS: Indicated airspeed ID: Infantry Division IFF: Identification friend/foe IFR: In-Flight Refuelling IFV: Infantry fighting vehicle ILS: Instrument landing system incl: including Inf: Infantry INS: Inertial Navigation System IPV: Inshore patrol vessel IR: Infra-Red (heat seeking) IRST: Infra-Red Search and Track ISR: Intelligence Surveillance Reconnaissance JDWN: Jane's Defence Weekly News (magazine) kg: kilogram (1 kg = 2.2 lbs) kph, km/h: kilometers per hour kT: Kiloton KTAS: Knots True Air Speed kN: kilo Newton knts; kts: knots kW: Kilowatt LAB; LABde: Light Armor Battalion LANTIRN: Low Altitude Navigation and Targeting Infra-Red, Night LARSU: Light Armor System Upgrade LASTE: Low Altitude Safety and Targeting Enhancement LAV: Light armored vehicle lbs: pounds LCD: Liquid Crystal Display LCM: Landing craft, mechanized LCU: Landing craft, utility LCVP/LCP: Landing craft, vehicle/personnel Length between: expressed in various ways. a.) oa: overall = length between extremities; b.) pp: perpendiculars waterline = between fore side of the stem and after side of the rudderpost; c.) wl1 : = nm = between extremities on the water-line; d.) 1 ft = 12 "; 1 m = 3.28 ft; 1 km = 1000 m; 1.606 km LERX: Leading-Edge Root Extensions LF: Low frequency LGB: Laser Guided Bomb LIFT: Lead-in Fighter Trainer LMG: Light machine-gun, also called GPMG, General purpose machine-gun LOA: Letter of Offer and Acceptance LOAC: Laws of Armed Conflict LOC: Lines of Communications LRIP: Low Rate Initial Production LRMP: Long range maritime patrol LRMTS: Laser Marked Target Seeker LSM: Landing ship, medium LSV: Logistics Support vehicle LST: Landing Ship, Tank m: meter (1 m = 3.28') = 1.093 yd) m/min: meters per minute Mach: speed of sound (Mach 1 = 1,088 ft/sec at 32°C S/L = 340 m/sec = 1,116 fps) MAD: Magnetic anomaly detector - for A/S detection identifying a steel body in the Earth's magnetic field. MAP: US Military Assistance Program max: maximum MB: Mercedes Benz; Muzzle boat (Navy); Manila Bulletin MBB: Messerschimt Bolkov-Blohm MBLT: Marine Battalion Landing Team MBT: Main battle tank MCMV: Mine counter measure vessel MDF: Maritime Defense force Measurement: see Tonnage MEADS: Medium Extended Air Defense System MF: Medium frequency MFCS: Missile Fire control system MFD: Multi Function Display MG: Machine-gun mi: mile (1 mi = 1,760 yd = 5,230' = 1.609 km) MiG: Military Intelligence Group MILF: Moro Islamic Liberation Front min: minutes MLU: Mid-Life Update mm: millimeter MMA: Multi-Mission Maritime Aircraft MOU: Memorandum of Understanding MPA: Maritime Patrol Aircraft mph: miles per hour MLRS: Multiple Launch Rocket System MNLF: Moro National Liberation Front MSC: Coastal minesweeper MSF: Minesweeper frigate MSH: Mine hunter MSSR: Marine Scout Sniper Rifle MSTS: Military Sea Transportation Service MTOW: Maximum Take-Off Weight mW: Megawatt NAG: Naval Air Group NAS: Navy Air Station NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization NBC: Nuclear, Biological, Chemical (warfare) net: Net registered tonnage NFWS: Night Fighting Weapons System NGS: Naval Gunfire Support nm: nautical mile (1 nm = 1.85 km) NPA: New Peoples Army NTDS: Naval Tactical Defense system NVG: Night Vision Goggles oa: Overall length OCA: Offensive Counter Air OPV: Offshore Patrol Vessel OTC: Officer in Tactical command PA: Philippine Army PADC: Philippine Aerospace Development Corporation PAF: Philippine Airforce PAFWSSU: Philippine Air Force Wide Service Support Unit PALAD: Philippine Army Light Armored Division (also LAD) PCG: Philippine Coast Guard PCE: Patrol Craft Escort PCER: Patrol Craft Escort/Escort Rescue PCF: Patrol Craft, fast PDI: Philippine Daily Inquirer (local broadsheet) PDMS: Point defense missile system PF: DE (radar picket) PG/AU: Patrol gunboat Php: Philippine peso PKM: Patrol Killer, medium PMC: Philippine Marine Corps PN: Philippine Navy PNAG Philippine Navy Air Group PNP: Philippine National Police PS: Patrol ship; Philippine Star (local broadsheet) PSG: Presidential Security Group psi: Pounds per square inch PUFFS: Passive underwater fire control system PWS: Pressurized water reactor QRA: Quick Reaction Alert RAF: Royal Air Force RAM: Radar absorbent material RAS: Replenishment at sea RBU: A/S rocket launcher RCS: Radar Cross Section Recce: reconnaissance RHIB: Rigid-hull inflatable boat Ro-flow: A ship able to embark smaller craft in a dock Ro-ro: Roll on/roll off ROE: Rules of Engagement ROV: Remotely operated vehicle rpm: revolutions per minute (engines, propellers, radar, aerials etc); rounds per minute (guns) RPV: Remotely Piloted Vehicle RR/rr: Roll Royce; recoilless rifle RUC: Riverine utility craft RWR: Radar Warning Receiver s: seconds (also sec) S/L: Sea level SAF: Special Action Force SAM: Surface-to-Air Missile SAR: Search and Rescue SARH: Semi Active Radar Homing SATCOM: Satellite Communications SES: Surface effect ship SHF: Super High frequency SIGINT: Signal Intelligence SINS: Ship's inertial navigation system SLCM: Submarine launched cruise missile SLEP: Service life extension Program SND: Secretary of National Defense SOF: Special Operations Forces SOT: Special Operations Team SPSG: Southern Philippines Secessionist Group sqn: Squadron SRAM: Short-Range Attack Missile SRBOC: Super rapid blooming offboard chaff SS: Attack submarine SSAN: Auxiliary nuclear-powered submarine SSBN: Nuclear-powered ballistic submarine SSDE: Submerged signal and decoy ejector SSG: Guided missile submarine SSGN: Nuclear-powered guided missile submarine SSM: Surface to Surface Missile SSN: Nuclear-powered attack submarine STIR: Surveillance Target indicator radar STOL: Short take off/landing STOVL: Short Take-Off and Vertical Landing Subroc/Asroc: Rocket assisted torpedo part of whose range is in the air SWATS: Small underwater tactical submarine SURTASS: Surface towed array surveillance system SUWN-1: Surface-to-underwater missile launcher SWATH: Small waterplane area twin hull SY: Shipyard T: metric ton (1 T = 1,000 kg) T/O, T-O: take-off TACAN: Tactical air navigation TACTASS: Tactical towed array acoustic sensor system TAS: Target acquisition system TASS: Towed array surveillance system TFR: Terrain Following Radar TK: Supply ship TOC: Tactical Operations Command Tonnage: Measurement tons, computed on capacity of a ship's hull rather than it's displacement. a.) Gross: the internal volume of all spaces within the hull and all permanent enclosed spaces above decks that are available for cargo, stores and accommodation. The result in cubic feet divided by 100 = gross tonnage; b.) Net: gross minus all those spaces for machinery, accommodation etc (non-earning spaces); c.) Deadweight: the amount of cargo, bunkers, stores etc that a ship can carry at her load draft. TTT: Tactical Troop Transport TOW: Tube-launched optically tracked, wire-guided (anti-tank missile) TP/AT: Presidential yatch Trng: Training Transp: Transport TVC: Thrust Vector Control UAV: Unmanned aerial vehicle UCAV: Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle UHF: Ultra high frequency UK: United Kingdom UN: United Nations US: United States (also USA) USAF: United States Air Force USN: United States Navy USCG: United States Coast Guard USMC: United States Marine Corps VDS: Variable depth sonar, which is lowered to best listening depth. Known as dunking sonar in helicopters. Vertrep: Vertical replenishment VLF: Very low frequency VLS: Vertical launch system VOR: VHF omni-directional radio range VSTOL: Vertical or short take-off/landing VTOL: Vertical take-off/landing WIG: Wire-in-ground effect wl: waterline length WMD: Weapons of Mass Destruction wp: white phosphorous WSO: Weapons Station Officer; Weapons Systems Operator WVR: Within Visual Range yd: yard (1 yd = 3') YD: Large floating dry-dock Back to top Last modified on 11/07/11 ![]() |
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